CSS Villa is a stunning platform to showcase and promote new talents and trends in the world of designing. CSS villa mainly focuses on wide range of websites possesing unique skills in aesthetics, creativity, presentation and coding. We are pleased to evaluate the creativity and hardships of the designers and to share it with the world.



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The new K2.com was a collaboration between K2's in-house interactive team and Mondo Robot from Boulder, CO. This fully responsive site revitalizes the K2 brand by utilizing professional photography of K2 customers and employees and hand drawn sketches to illustrate the features of our software.
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Rating: 4.7/5 (11 votes cast)


  1. Johann Schijders says:

    Very stylish site.

    Some constructive criticisms:

    I find that I have to scroll too much to get to useful information though and that too much emphasis is placed on making me see the eye candy. From a design perspective it looks great, but the really big images cause too much scrolling.

    There is also a disconnect between the main site’s styling and some links under Support & Community.

    I’m getting intermittent 404′s on your woff fonts. Make sure your mime type in IIS is set for woff files.

    You have css in css files, in style blocks and on html elements. This is nasty.

    You’re using css shorthand in some places and not others.

    Tables are meant for tabular data, not layout. Why have so much css and then still use tables for layout?

    The site fails on all the w3.org validators I checked.

    If you want to be showcased on a site like cssvilla, you have to address the css and validation issues.

    Lastly, some of the image files on the site are very big (in kb) and can be reduced a lot without losing fidelity. The home page is almost 2.5 mb, other pages from 400kb up to 1 mb. That’s heavy.

    All in all, a very good looking site on the outside, but the inside may need a professional’s hand.

    VA:F [1.9.15_1155]
  2. Johann – thanks for your feedback. We appreciate it and will use it to improve the site where we can.

    A couple of notes:
    Some of the links in Support and Community go to external K2 properties, hence the different designs on those pages.

    We cannot reproduce the 404′s on the woff fonts. If you can email me what you’re doing to see them, I’d appreciate it.

    The content on this site is dynamically generated which requires some of the CSS to be inline on html elements. It also requires some of the HTML to be in style blocks depending on the desired look of the page to override the default CSS inside the CSS files.

    The site fails on those validators because it has additional tags / attributes that w3.org doesn’t recognize as valid. But those additional tags / attributes make the site run like it does. If they were valid tags and valid attributes, the CMS system wouldn’t function anymore.

    The reason the page sizes are big is to accommodate for screens with extremely high resolution. Additionally, the site is relatively image heavy.

    Thanks again for your comments – we appreciate it.


    VA:F [1.9.15_1155]
  3. Magic site – Well done

    VA:F [1.9.15_1155]

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